All in a Day's Work

The Accidental Interviewee

The evening was carefully planned (and in some cases overplanned; I had brought two pencil sharpeners with me and used neither of them). Dinner at 7pm, meet friends at the bar at 9:29pm, head for karaoke at 9:30pm.

We hit the bar at precisely 9:29pm. Kraków Post TV were filming interviews on the theme of the Language Club. Filming had finished, or so I thought. After settling down inside Kładka at a cosy table with a couple of Ciechan Miodowe (honeyed beer). We were discussing about how I would like to reach a larger audience when I was soon accosted for an interview. I had to answer various questions. "How long has the club been running?" etc etc. I answered the best I could. "What is your role as organiser?" Blah, blah, blah... Despite being "relaxed" by alcohol I was slightly nervous and the coughing fit didn't help either.

The Shit Sandwich

So, nearly two hours later than planned we set off en-masse for the barge and a night of karaoke fun. The event wasn't particularly well attended and with our arrival we almost doubled the number of people there. The first few singers were truly awful. R.E.M's Man on The Moon (a song which I can play on guitar and sing along to) was well and truly massacred. When singing karaoke the worse the singers performing before and after you are, the better it is. The shit sandwich. This is a little bit like the management technique the bad news sandwich. Or the good cop, bad cop routine. Someone sings badly, you sing (the audience is slightly relieved), then another crap singer performs (the audience hopes for your return). Unfortunately the shit sandwich wasn't delivered. There were some really good singers there (amongst all the awesomely bad ones). We left several hours later, the female members of our party agreeing, "I hate that kind of girl, slim... good singer... bitch!"

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